Hata Dhari Chalutha odia film full movie watch online, songs

Hata Dhari Chalutha is the 2013 Odia movie of Anubhav Mohanty and Varsha Priyadarshini. You can’t find full Odia movie. You can watch all video songs and some scenes below. You can find the Haata Dhari Chaaluthaa Odia film poster, star cast, release date, trailer, heroine’s name, review, and other details below.

Video Songs

You can watch the videos of all songs from the film below.

Title Song

Tu Daku Daku

Janena Kie Kouthi

Sathire Sathi Sathi

Ae Jibana Chala Bate

Mana Jadi Deithilu

Luha Ra Ranga Aaji

Prema Ra Baji


Cast & Crew

DirectorHimanshu Parija (Chandi Parija)
CastAnubhav, Barsha Priyadarshini, Bijay Mohanty, Tandra Ray, Kuna Tripathy, Harihara Mahapatra, Salil Mitra & Guddu
MusicPrem Anand
LyricsArun Mantri & Basant Raj Samal
SingersUdit Narayan & Ira Mohanty
Screenplay & DialoguesBijay Malla
DOPR Bhagat Singh
EditorChandrasekhar Mishra
ProducerAnuprash Mohanty
BannerVishnupriya Art & Graphics



Hata Dhari Chalutha

Release Date

14 June 2013

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